Agents of SHIELD, ecco le reazioni social al debutto alla regia di Elizabeth Henstridge

Agents of SHIELD, ecco le reazioni social al debutto alla regia di Elizabeth Henstridge

Dopo il debutto alla regia di Elizabeth Henstridge in Agents of SHIELD, il web è stato invaso da numerosi post di congratulazioni. Tutti i colleghi dell'interprete di Jemma Simmons hanno voluto farle dei calorosi complimenti per quello che sembra essere uno degli episodi più emozionanti e significativi della settima stagione.

Al fine anche di pubblicizzare "As I Have Always" tutto il cast ha scritto dei teneri messaggi per la Henstridge, primo tra tutti Clark Gregg che su Instagram ha detto: "Questo è uno dei miei umani preferiti, ecco l'incantevole @lil_henstridge nel primo giorno che ha diretto l'episodio di #agentsofshield che andrà in onda stasera - il suo primo debutto alla regia. Abbiamo messo questo post-it sulla sua sedia perché si era preparata instancabilmente, costantemente per oltre un anno ed era già chiaro che avrebbe fatto un lavoro eccezionale. Tuttavia, nessuno di noi ha capito quanto sarebbe stato spettacolare. Per la sua prima regia, Elizabeth ha realizzato uno degli episodi più complessi e stimolanti delle 7 stagioni del nostro show: un episodio dedicato al loop time dell'incomparabile @drewzgreenberg che fa sobbalzare dalle risate al crepacuore ad un ritmo vertiginoso. Nonostante le difficoltà era sempre gentile con tutti e in qualche modo lo faceva sembrare facile. Controlla. Mi ringrazierai. Ti amo @lil_henstridge Quando possiamo farlo di nuovo?".

Ming-Na Wen interprete di Melinda May ha scritto: "@Lil_Henstridge è nata per dirigere! Super preparata, intelligente e sempre divertente e amorevole. Non vedo l'ora che tutti possono vedere questo epispdio!"

Post affettuosissimi sono arrivati anche da Chloe Bennet che ha raccontato la tenera storia del loro primo incontro e la gioia della loro amicizia così come Jeff Ward e Natalia Cordova. Date un'occhiata a tutte le bellissime parole delle co-star in basso.

In attesa del gran finale vi lasciamo alle nostre prime impressioni su Agents of SHIELD 7.

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This is one of my favorite humans, the lovely @lil_henstridge on day one directing tonight’s episode of #agentsofshield - her first. We put this sign on her chair because she’d prepared tirelessly, constantly for over a year and it was already clear she was killing it. However, none of us realized just how deep the killing would go. For her first time directing, Elizabeth took one of the most complex, challenging episodes in the 7 seasons of our show - a time loop Groundhog Day riff by the incomparable @drewzgreenberg that jumps from laughs to heartbreak at a breakneck pace and she. Knocked it. Out of. The park. And she was nice to everyone all the time and she somehow made it look easy. Check it out. You’ll thank me. Love you @lil_henstridge When can we do it again?

Un post condiviso da Clark Gregg (@clarkgregg) in data:

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I met Elizabeth at a bar 8 years ago. My friend Zach said he met this incredible girl, and he wanted me to meet her to see what I thought. I remember meeting her and immediately feeling her warmth and her genuine kindness. I felt so at ease with her. She radiated a special something I can’t quite put into words. Unbeknownst to me, (or her) a year or so later, we would both be cast in a show called Agents of Shield. It was just a pilot episode, we didn’t know if it would get picked up, or what would happen. I was so young and I was terrified, but I remembered how at ease I was with Elizabeth, we had only met once, but it was a feeling I didn’t forget. For young women, Hollywood can be an unnecessarily terrifying place to navigate. And holy fuck it has it been a wild ride... but guys...what. would. I. have. done. without. my. LIL ?! A beacon of light. The most generous and thoughtful cast mate, friend, sister, and now DIRECTOR. From that FIRST table read season 1 when we were anxiously talking about grapes by the fruit platter, to season 7 watching you effortlessly step in to direct one of the most logistically difficult episodes we’ve ever had... it’s surreal. You were made for this. You quietly commanded respect, you brought out the best performances from both the cast and crew, you were more prepared than even the most seasoned directors, and THEN you got in front of the camera yourself, and annihilated every scene you were in. I remember seeing you that first day on set. My eyes welled up watching you with your sparkly director headset, your sparkly new engagement ring (to Zach!!).... was dreamlike. Somehow that moment turned into a marker of time. It sharpened the reality of how far we had come since we had met. At that bar, years ago. Unaware of what was to come. I felt a feeling of love and pride I haven’t really felt before. Ive never had a sister, but I imagine that’s what it feels like. Sooooo, to my sister, my dear lil...I love you. You directed the absolute shit out of this episode. I’m sorry this post is a soppy mess riddled with terrible grammar, but I’m just excited/overwhelmed/totes emosh. GO WATCH TONIGHT!

Un post condiviso da Chloe Bennet (@chloebennet) in data: